Evergreen PSA

To clarify: you are about to fill in a form to request an “Evergreen” public service announcement (PSA), which will air year-round and will announce general information about your registered non-profit or charitable organization.

A free Evergreen PSA is not intended to promote an event or short-term awareness-raising campaign. If that’s what you are after, you can request an Event PSA.

Your PSA will air a minimum of four times per week throughout our broadcast schedule between 6:00 AM and 12:00 midnight.

Tips: Remember to hit the 5W’s + H:

  • Who are you? (mention your organization’s name)
  • What (your purpose; what you do or protect; the population you serve)
  • Why (why should people pay attention to your message? E.g., to join as members, to send money, etc.)
  • Where (your location; where you meet)
  • When (when are your meetings)
  • How (how can people reach you: website, email, phone number)


CJMP and qCRS reserve the right to reject any request for PSAs and retain the right to cease airing your PSA at any time. We also reserve the right to edit your copy for clarity.

My organization is

What kind of background music would you like?